Friday, May 22, 2009

May 4, 2008

Dear Family,
Its is really good to hear from you again. Sorry I didn't have a chance to check the email until now. Its a little harder now that Im not around couples who have internet. Sounds like things are really changing around home. Dad spending money, Jordan going to the dump, Spencer graduating from seminary, high school, and starting his papers. It seems like yesterday that I was doing all of the stuff. Its all very exciting though. I am looking forward to Spencer being able to have the whole mission experience.
I will try to answer all of your questions but I will probably miss one or two. Umlazi is really nice, we don't work on strengthening members here, mostly regular missionary work. Tracting, street contacting and all of that good stuff. We are working hard on bringing members with us to teach. It gets them excited about missionary work and helps us fellowship our investigators. Oh yeah about the phone call you should call my cell phone like you did at christmas. My phone number is 0832815474, you will have to put in the country code and that stuff, if you have forgotten how you can look online. Try to call around 2 pm your time, on sunday. I think the cell phone should work this time. About going on my mission and who inspired me, the biggest influence for me to go on my mission was knowing that I can't give my little bro's an exuse not to go on their missions. Another influence was watching the people who went on their missions when I was young. Time is going by really fast. To be honest there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about what it will be like to come home, even if it is just for a minute or two. Thats funny that you discovered that here in africa they call mixed people coloured. Things here are really different in some ways and really similar in others.
This week went by well. We are teaching some great families which is so nice. I also was fed a few times this week which was a really nice change. My companion goes home in 2 weeks so I'm pretty excited about that. Today for P day we had a zone activity and went to Tala Game park. I saw hippos, wildebeest, giraffe, Rhinos, zebras, and some warthogs. It was pretty fun. We play soccer every P day to and I am getting better at that. By the ways thanks for the rugby news, that was interesting. I am really enjoying my time here so far and I am looking forward to talking to you on Sunday. Thanks for the prayers, support, and everything else. I hope you have a good week.

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