Wednesday, May 13, 2009

February 10, 2008

Salbona, injani? That means- good morning, how are you? Im doing good. Sounds like everything is going good at home. I guess I will start by answering your questions. I have air conditioning in my car but not in my boarding. It is so hot here right now. The only thing I cook are eggs. I have a new District leader and he has a ton of weights and so we put ours together and are working out everyday so now I mostly just eat eggs tuna, peanut butter sandwiches, and protein shakes. The work is going good we are teaching a lot, especially the members. Our branch is so new and inexperienced, so we are introducing all our members to Preach My Gospel and helping them learn how study, teach, and do member missionary work. Its really basic stuff but that's what they need. The couple missionaries work mostly with the Branch and District leadership and teach them how to actually run the church. The Bartholemews are the ones who help in our area and they are from American Fork. I know Grandpa was wondering. We work with them a lot and usually eat dinner at their place on Sunday nights. We are pushing the baptism we had back because our investigator has had trouble making it to church so hopefully we can work through that. I am keeping in touch with the BIG 5 through e-mail and I see them every now and then at conferences and things. Today for P day I went with my district to a place called Shaka land which is like a museum type of place for Zulu culture. They are just like the American Indians. Speaking of that I was wondering if you could put some more money in my home account because next week we are going to a game park for our zone activity. I was able to see the world wide training session and I thought it was really good, except when those non priesthood holding women had to give their insight. I just want to hear Apostolic witnesses, you know what I mean? But yeah that was really good. I liked the focus on the family and the need for converts to live the Christian culture and leave their culture behind to a degree. That's what the Zulus need to hear. Well sounds like things are going good at home. Spencer keep up the good janitor work, Jordan good luck on your quest for a Wii, and Ryan hang in there on wrestling, it will be worth it. Oh yeah and congratulations dad that is awesome. You need to let me know if you are going to go in with Mark on your business so I know if I should look into engineering or not. So say hi to everyone for me thanks for all your prayers and support. Talk to you later. Oh and I put some new photos on photobucket finally.

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