Friday, May 15, 2009

April 14, 2008

Dear family,
Its really good to hear from you. I can't believe they changed the young mens organization so much, hopefully it all works out. That's awesome that KJH took district. Don't worry I'm not mad that you called about the tick bite. All that happened was that president asked how I was doing. I'm doing fine. Anyway I'm about over the whole thing and I knew what was going to happen because I know other missionaries who have had it and went to the doctor. I'm really glad that you got the package that I sent, The wrap has a Zulu shield on it but its a Swaziland style (red, black, and white). And you can do what ever with it, tons of people wear them here. I haven't received your package yet so I don't know whats going on with that, hopefully its just taking a long time. Well there have been big changes here for me. I was transferred from my area. I am now serving in Umlazi W. Umlazi is the second biggest township in South Africa and I have 5 sections of it each with around a thousand houses in it. Its gonna take some time to learn the area. I'm really excited though because I'm in a ward and we meet in a chapel. Umlazi is right next to Durban so I am right near everything. I stay in a place called Isipingo which is right next to Umlazi and its an Indian community. I stay in some ghetto apartment but its cool. On one side I can see the ocean and on the other I can see the airport. The other morning, on the way to church, I saw some Muslims playing doubles tennis in their dress outfit things, I thought that was pretty funny. The downside to this new area is my companion. In my first area my district leader was elder Ricks and he has a rep through the whole mission as the guy you don't want to be with. Well he left when I was 3 months out and I thought I would never see him again. Well he is my comp now and he is going home at the end of this transfer. He is a super stubborn and mega dorky kid, but I guess pres thinks I will keep him working until its time for him to go home. Well that is the important stuff this week. Elder Clark is in my zone now so I will get to see him every P day so that is cool. Thanks for the prayers and support and everything I hope that this will be a good week for all of you, and I hope that Grandma Dorathy starts to do better, I will talk to you next week.

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